My Adventure at the Blood In the Snow Film Festival

I just saw a post about the Blood in the Snow film festival! Oh, the memories! Let me take you back to 2018… the official premiere of a film I produced called Quiet Room Bears. This is when me, Lee, Violet, and Makenzie were still tight. I rented a limo and everything, I wanted it to be a big night.

In fairness she got very drunk before we got to there but Makenzie got ejected from theatre. The part that didn’t make sense was that she had been ejected for making transphobic comments in the restroom. Very confused, I went outside to see what was going on and Makenzie is out on the sidewalk, her face is Niagara Falls she’s crying so hard. Before she can even start to tell me what’s happened, some rep from the festival or the theatre itself comes outside to tell us we have to move. I still don’t know what’s happened so I tell her I’m not the one that was kicked out, and I’m just trying to find out what’s going on. The rep won’t budge, and two more people come to back her up. They’re insisting we have to move, and threatening to call the police. I’m sure it didn’t help the situation that I was laughing so hard at the ridiculousness of the whole thing, and I told them to go ahead and call the cops.

Makenzie got me to instead leave and go to the restaurant where we would be having a combo birthday dinner for me and after party for the film premiere. Apparently that altercation was enough to make Lee decide that he didn’t want to be in business with me any more after I’d already invested over $15,000 in the film and the business at that point. Of course he didn’t just say that - He held up the release of the film and jerked me around for over a year saying he wanted more time to think about it, while continuing to collect a paycheque every week for working on my YouTube show. Only after the awkwardness over the delay in releasing the film had poisoned the whole team dynamic, and he & the rest of the team mutinied (while I was reeling from my daughter having just had a scary liver surgery at six weeks old) did he finally bring up this incident at the Blood in the Snow Film Festival as the reason why he threw up all those blocks a year previous, as if it gave him justification to take the film for free and hip check me out of the business that was my idea in the first place.

And that is the story of my one and only experience attending the Blood in the Snow Film Festival!


Sean Ward Saying Thank You


Growing the business, recent successes!