Sean Ward Saying Thank You

Hello! First thing is I need to say thank you, for two things.

1. First is thank you to everyone who sent me birthday messages. And to everyone who jumped on my birthday fundraiser for @sickkidsvs on Facebook, you are awesome. Raised over $1000 almost without trying - all I did was raise the goal amount twice because people were so awesome about contributing to it.

2. A very emotional thank you to the people who commented on my previous post, the one where I'm holding my daughter and kissing my dog. It's been a big help to be reminded that I'm not alone and there are people out there who care.

I know I keep alluding to some big changes happening in my life and business right now, I'll tell you more about that - I'm coming up on the 10th anniversary of my first viral video on YouTube and I'm feeling like a Saturday Night Live performer who knows it's time to move on. I'm putting things in place behind the scenes to keep the channel going while freeing up my time to pursue other things. Specifically, to write a screenplay for a movie I'm going to direct. I already have 3 high level industry collaborators waiting on me to get it done, and the biggest thing that came out of 2020 was the realization that I can't do it part time - this shift I'm trying to make has to be an all-or-nothing commitment. I'll have lots more to say about all of this in a video I'm doing after the holidays with the hyperbolic title "I'm Retiring from YouTube" but for right now I wanted to thank you all for the shot of confidence during this time when the future is a big mystery in a way that it hasn't been for years. In the meantime, what are you hoping Santa brings you for Christmas this year?


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