Growing the business, recent successes!

Report from the Field: I didn't soft open my Sean Ward Show online art shop so much as set it as public and put some ads on it to analyze some data after a couple of days. I left it for about a week and was delighted to find it's been making a couple of sales a day before I even got back to tweak anything! And the same day as I made that discovery, I got the email notification that my first payment from Amazon Prime Video for sales and rentals of the horror film I produced is on its way to me! I'm working on a campaign to properly open my online art shop that I will announce with the release of my animated version of The Batman trailer, I'm getting excited and inspired in a way that makes me remember what it felt like manually printing copies of my comic books on a self serve copier for the release party happening the next night or sometimes later that same day. Thank you for your ongoing support! Subscribe to my email Newsletter for all the news first + exclusives, see the sign up form at the bottom of this page. The photo is just me with the homeys at Fan Expo in Toronto this past weekend :)


My Adventure at the Blood In the Snow Film Festival


Starting Work on The Batman Trailer: Animated Version