Visualize and Manifest

It was winter and I couldn’t even get $400 together to make rent. I turned one of the walls of my bedroom into a vision board and taped up pictures of things I wanted to draw into my life on it. I vividly remember when I posted up the photo of an iMac computer. I thought about how i could not see a path from the hardship and turmoil I was in, to owning an expensive piece of machinery like that. But I was confident that I would one day have it. Now I have two.

Back when I was living in one room of a house on Bathurst Street downtown in Toronto, I wished to have a place with enough space to spread out and have multiple Projects in various stages of development around. Today I have this huge basement with my best suits on a rack like a stylist works out of here, with my scripts and stories developing on cards and post it notes all over the tables and walls of the space.

I have no idea how this movie plan comes together but I am supremely confident that in ten years I will have this awesome filmography in place.


My Future Filmography


I’m Making a Movie.