I’ve Got a Brand New Style that you Just Can’t Top

I'll tell you, I've got like an album and a half worth of music in the can that I've been sitting on... Partly because YouTube has been so all-consuming but also because of feeling like I need to wait until I can invest the time to make an album release a big deal.

But I realized there are a couple of things wrong with that way of thinking.

First, that's never how I've done well at anything. Any success I've had has not been a result of perfect planning. It's been a result of jumping in with no plan and no idea what I'm doing, and then drip, drip, drip until it's turned into something.

Second, that's not how life works. There's never a brilliant, shining moment when everything is perfect, and waiting for it just leads to regret. I already have tons of regret now about not getting these songs out sooner and I realized I'd regret it more in a few years if I still didn't get them out VS how is feel if I put them out when the moment wasn't perfect.

Then the final piece of the puzzle is feeling like I'm one of the world's greatest artists, but the work I've been producing, while wildly successful, hasn't been the most true reflection of my personality and creative vision for a long time now. I have enjoyed playing in the Marvel & DC sandbox and that will always be a driving passion, but I have so much more I want to say and so many more opportunities I want to explore.

Something happened while I was recording Sweet Child o' Mine that made the whole music thing click. I suddenly felt like I had a plan for how to release a series of singles, most of which are already recorded, to take me into next year. I don't know what will happen by the fifth release but it won't be nothing. And I'll definitely feel much better about getting the stuff out there than if I sit on it for another five years, lamenting that the perfect moment never came along.

Like i said in one of my old songs: "I've got a brand new style that you just can't top." I'm confident that I've got something unique that no one else is doing. All of my nerves and apprehension about putting stuff out there have everything to do with how people might perceive what I'm doing before I get to where I'm going, and nothing to do with whether or not I think I've got the goods. What it boils down to is that when I'm in my car and I want to listen to the music I've made, I'd rather pull it up on Spotify or YouTube Music than out of a Google Drive folder that no one else has access to. I'd rather be thinking about the videos I released with the song than the videos I want to one day release with it.


A drastic and dramatic rebranding of my main SWS YouTube channel


Allow me to Reintroduce myself