Saying Good-Bye to my best Friend

RIP to my very good friend Lemon the Real Life Cartoon Dog. A lot of people gave a lot of love to this dog, and I really want to say thank you and share her gorgeous memory with everyone who cared about her. She went last night at home, right beside me in her bed. It’s actually sweet and poetic how it happened, just the two of us. It was sudden but peaceful. She was of a very advanced age, but she never got old. Neighbors still thought she was a puppy as recently as a few weeks ago. She came into my life when I was at my lowest point and was my faithful companion all the way to the top. I’m a wizard and she was my familiar. Like baking, an important part of how 5th dimensional manifestation magic works is the time waiting for the ingredients to do their thing in the oven. Lemon helped me learn how to slow down, not be in such a rush, and do that waiting to let the magic happen. The walks we used to go on and the adventures we got into were some of my best thinking time, she was instrumental in helping me come up with some of my best ideas. Her natural intelligence and sweet demeanor touched a lot of people’s lives - people who said they don’t like dogs loved this girl. Strangers frequently felt compelled to stop and say hello to her when they saw her wagging her tail. Kids loved her, and she was always so patient with them. We gave each other a great life and it’s my belief that she and I have been doing this for millennia, and we’ll catch back up with each other on our next trip thru the 3rd dimension. This was one of the most special relationships of my life and I’ll enjoy showing Isabel photos of her and Lemon as she grows up. My beautiful doggie, I love you Lemon.


My Graphic Novel about The Beatles


The Biggest Blessing of my Life